4 Jobs That Require a Plumber Pexels

Many homeowners like to save money by doing house repairs themselves. This is an excellent idea for small drips, but some projects are best left to the professionals. Read on to learn what projects warrant a call to a local plumbing company Ohio.

1. Pipes That Leak

Within the walls of your home is an intricate system of water pipes. These tubes are made from various materials, such as steel, copper and brass, which carry water from the main home line to the different rooms in your house. No matter what material the pipes are made from, they don't last forever. As your home ages, there is an increased risk of leaking water. Some common signs are water spots on the walls and ceiling, a musty smell in the basement, or mold or mildew growing in bathrooms. Don't take the chance of opening a wall in the wrong location. A professional can find the origin of the leak and quickly repair the problem. 

2. Frozen Pipes

If your home is in an area where it freezes during the winter, there is a possibility of frozen pipes. This happens when water sits in a line that is outside the home. When the air temperature gets low enough, the water freezes within the tube. If this happens, it's a concern because not only are you without water, but the freezing water expands and could cause the pipe to burst. A plumber can help get the ice to melt and inspect the pipe for damage. They can also help you figure out the best way to prevent this problem from happening again. 

3. Broken Water Heater

Having hot water is a luxury most of you don't want to live without. The hot water heater is responsible for heating the water used in the home. This appliance has a lifespan of about 10 years, depending on use. If you suddenly find your home without hot water, it may be due to an aging heater. Sometimes the heating element stops working, or you may even find the bottom rotted out completely. Since this project requires working with both electrical power and water, it's best left for a plumber. They can ensure the equipment is installed correctly and help get rid of the old one. 

4. Blocked Sewer Pipe 

You've probably had the experience of a clogged toilet. Usually, this job requires a few pumps from a plunger, and the blockage passes. Unfortunately, there are times that a clog happens in the main sewer line, often as a result of a tree root growing through the pipe. Since this job requires locating the blockage, cutting out the root, and fixing the line, all while dealing with sewer water, leave this to experienced personnel. 

All of these large plumbing projects should always be left to professional plumbers. They can get the job done correctly and efficiently and usually offer a warranty on their work. As a homeowner, knowing the job is no longer a worry is always a good conclusion.