Common Problem Faced By Tenants Common Problem Faced By Tenants

As a rental property owner, you must understand that your tenants are also facing different problems. It is already given that being a landlord is always affiliated with problems, especially when it comes to your tenants and to the property itself.

However, tenancy also is a difficult position. Your tenants are also human, the same as you, which is why they face different problems throughout their tenancy, whether under you or other landlords. To ensure that you are providing the best experience for your tenants, you must know and understand the following common problems that they face.

Bad Kitchen

The least favorite space tenants have inside a rental property is the kitchen. Every time a possible renter takes a house tour, they will check the kitchen and the bathroom. As the property owner, you must make sure that your units have a nice kitchen to attract more tenants to rent out to.

If you are a rental property owner, you must have a home warranty. But the most common question landlords ask: Is a Home Warranty on Rental Property Worth It? The answer to this question is yes. Purchasing a home warranty for your rental property will help you manage much of your maintenance cost, including kitchen renovations, to make your kitchen look attractive.

Small Bathrooms

The next problem most tenants face when renting is the small bathroom you can commonly find in rental properties. It is best to have a larger bathroom in your rental property so that your tenants will be happy. It doesn't need to be huge, but you must also make sure that it is not that small.

If the whole rental property space doesn't allow you to have a bigger bathroom, you will need to design it to look bigger. Use colors that create an illusion to make your bathroom look bigger. It is also best to avoid using too much bathroom furniture.  


When it comes to safety, tenants are concerned about many factors. Some of the concerns are gas and electrical safety, which can cause a fire that will result in serious injury or even death. Another safety concern tenants are worried about is their security. 

To ensure your tenants their safety and security, you must conduct regular gas and electrical check-ups and ensure that your rental property is gated with CCTV installed in all corners. 

Expensive Rent 

The most obvious problem every tenant faces is the expensive cost of renting a property. It is an unavoidable burden for every tenant. Some landlords charge their tenants' expensive rents, which leaves tenants no choice but to rent a space outside of their house preference. Some landlords may charge a reasonable price but most charge a very high rent.

As the property owner, you have the power to lower your rent. However, you must still make sure that you will still profit while helping your tenants have a good experience during their stay at your rental home.

Big Deposits Required

When tenants first acquire a rental property, landlords require them to pay a deposit aside from the advance rent payment. This regulation is common in every rental property and is also very reasonable. However, what is not fair is some landlords require tenants to put down a huge amount of deposit. 

Some landlords even ask for the tenant's rent for the whole year as a security deposit, and it is too expensive. This practice is not good, and the result will also not be good for your business. You will need to consider your tenants if you want your properties to be rented out as soon as possible.

Not Enough or No Outdoor Space

Most people prefer to have an outdoor space in the property they are living in. However, most rental properties you can find have no outdoor space, or if they do, it will not be enough for you to place a coffee table. If you plan to renovate your rental space, it is best to consider adding a balcony with enough space where the renters can spend their afternoon in.

Pests Infestation 

Whether it is rats, cockroaches, or any other pests, an infestation is a very common problem in renting. For tenants who suffer from this problem, it is best to discuss it with your landlord so that they can resolve the problem as soon as possible.

As for the landlord, it is your responsibility to contact the exterminator and pay for it. Be part of your maintenance so that you can provide livable space for your tenants. 

Drainage Issues

Drainage issues are another common problem faced not only by the tenants but also by the landlords. As the property ages, drainage or sewer system damage is inevitable. It is normal to wear and tear in every property. However, when the problem arises, it is best to fix it as soon as possible to avoid the escalation of the problem. 

In Conclusion

The landlord's decision always affects the tenants' living, which is why if rental properties are your bread and butter, it is best to treat all your tenants fairly and give them a good reason to continue patronizing your business. Now that you know what problems most tenants face, you can now create a solution that both you and the tenants will benefit from.