How To Make Your Warehouse Floor 100% Dust-Proof Big Stock

Warehouses are known for their obsessive amounts of dust. It also seems, no matter the amount of cleaning, it is always dusty. Dust does not come from one place, thus you must tackle several of its producers to begin keeping your warehouse dust free. 

No company wants a dusty warehouse, that is bad for business and employee relationships. Certain types of dust are unsafe for employees and/or customers to breath bi constantly. Dust can be kept at a reasonable level, but it needs to be approached in a few ways. Here is how to make your warehouse floor 100% dust-proof. 

Start At The Work Areas

Work areas should always stay clean throughout the day. Implement small cleaning tasks for each employee's station. It should have a base set-up which everyone is aware of. So, when it is time to leave the station for the day, it is ready for the next morning. 

Warehouse cleaning is different than your everyday household-chore. Employees need trained on the different chemicals needed, and how to clean which areas. Everyone makes this work together, which employees being accountable to their specific station, and all supervisors need to make sure all are following the cleaning protocol.

Invest In Anti-Dust Equipment 

Sometimes it will not matter if you clean daily or hourly, some machines produce a lot of dust. If this piece of equipment is causing problems, look into dust-free alternatives. If the type of machine you need does not come in that category, research equipment that suppresses dust. This is more costly than simply having an efficient, clean machine.

Consider Fogging Systems

Fog helps collect dust is an unexpected way. When fog is released in a warehouse, the water pellets combine with the dust and pull it to the ground. This is a great way to gather the dust particles in the air all-around the warehouse, or simply by oe specific machine. These fogging systems have filtration characteristics, as well. So, they are helpful for having cleaner, dust-free air. 

Dust-Proof Flooring

After investigation and testing different types of flooring, warehouses have the option to purchase concrete floors that are dust proof. This is made possible by them coming fully polished. They are slip-resistant and can save the hassle of cleaning. Some of the most easy-to-install and top-of-the-line dust-proof flooring can be found at Becosan

Commit To One Major Change

The common warehouse equipment that produces a lot of dust can be changed. By committing to a major switch on one element, you will see a difference in dust-control even if it is difficult at first. Begin with your pallets. If pallets are wooden they decay as time passes and begin dispelling large amounts of dust. Switch these for plastic pallets. 

This big switch will show your commitment to making the warehouse floor 100% dust-proof. Even if there is no switch from wood to plastic, control where the pallets are and keep them only in a particular area. Loading and unloading areas being placed next to employee work stations creates a disaster where the employees will continuously be cleaning the pallet dust/particles. 

The Road To A Cleaner Warehouse

Warehouses need an understanding of dust-producers, constant supervision, and motivated employees to stay in their best condition. You must work towards a clean, dust-free warehouse, and adapt these methods to your specific warehouse's needs. Since, each warehouse will have different dust-producers, the key is identifying them and beginning to tackle them one by one. Just because you find the culprits of your dusty warehouse does not mean everything needs solved right away.