Can A Water Softener Increase The Value Of Your Home? Photo by Mark McCammon from Pexels

Whether it's a buyers or sellers market, reselling your home is a difficult decision that depends on timing and preparation. Market conditions may not be in your favor, which is why every advantage helps make your listing more attractive, and a water softener is a definite plus.

A water softener system is increasingly becoming essential for many residential homes. Potential homeowners, particularly those with young families, appreciate the health benefits of clean drinking water. 

In a community where municipal water may be unreliable, a water softener can increase the value of your home. But how exactly does a water softener increase your home's worth?

Benefits Of A Water Softener That Can Increase The Value Of Your Home

1. Improves taste and quality of tap water.

Notice a chalky residue forming around the faucets in your home? Are you dishes full of spots when you take them out of the dishwasher? These are signs of hard water from your municipal supply. 

Hard water is a common problem occurring in many communities, affecting the quality of tap water. Excessive levels of calcium, chlorine, magnesium, iron. sulphates and other elements in your tap water are the cause. The best solution is a water softener.

A quality water softener uses an active carbon filter to soften the taste and odor by absorbing and removing unwanted elements. If you live in a community or neighborhood where hard water is common, potential homebuyers will be relieved to know that your home is already equipped with a water softener. Having clean, healthy tap water will make your home more attractive than the competition, and ultimately more valuable. 

Check out these water softener reviews to find the best one for your needs.

2. Eliminates the need for water bottles and reduces plastic waste. 

With reliable, clean tap water available in your home, you can cut down on the purchase of water bottles. Potential buyers can save valuable dollars on commercially bottled water each year and invest in a portable, reusable one instead. 

Want to save money and still enjoy healthy water? Here are 5 Reasons You Should Stop Using Plastic Water Bottles.

In addition to saving money on water bottles, a water softener gives buyers added comfort and convenience. They can host parties or entertain guests with confidence, knowing their tap water is healthy and safe to drink. 

3. Reduces wear and tear on your home's plumbing system.

Another benefit of a water softener that can improve the value of your home is the money you save on plumbing repairs. Hard water over time can cause corrosion in your pipes. 

Replacing or repairing those rotting, leaking, damaged pipes can be costly, not to mention inconvenient. Just imagine, no water until your pipes are repaired! 

Saving hundreds of dollars in plumbing fees is definitely a win for you and potential buyers!

4. Allows water heater and other water appliances to operate more efficiently.

Your dishwasher has to work harder to wash dishes with hard water, because hard water prevents soap from lathering. Laundry washed in hard water appears discolored, Unsightly rings around your sink and bathtub are also signs of high iron levels in your water.

Calcium, magnesium and iron in your water can leave residue behind in your water heater tank, dishwasher, and washing machine. The build up gathers around the coils and heating elements that conduct heat, forcing your water device to work harder and consume more energy. 

Let prospective buyers know that a water softener will increase the efficiency of their appliances by ensuring as little waste as possible. Their water appliances will require far less maintenance and last longer if they're using clean tap water.

5. A water softener has a lifespan of 10 - 15 years. 

The lifespan of a water softener depends largely on the quality of construction and the quality of the filters. Generally speaking, a water softener should last 10 -15 years with regular maintenance. 

How often your filters require changing depends on your level of use and the level of contamination. The water softener, however, should continue to function as long as no permanent damage occurs to the wiring,control panel or heating element. 

If you're planning on selling your home in a neighborhood affected by hard water, it's a good idea to invest in a new water softener that will last the next 10 -15 years. That's added convenience and peace of mind for potential buyers that could also increase the value of your home in the case of a bidding war.

Final Thoughts...

Don't underestimate the importance of having a good water softener system for your home's resale value. The devil is in the details, and a water softener is often an overlooked detail that could easily increase the value of your home to potential buyers.

Homebuyers prefer a home that is fully equipped and ready for sale. They don't want to bother installing new systems that cost more money and time. 

If you can eliminate their concerns about healthy tap water and save them money with a water softener, you're far more likely to attract qualified buyers and sell your home faster.