MT: Where Else Can Things Be Stored and Hidden in Your Home?

MD: Your apartment or house has plenty of room to store things in. Find out the places you have never considered before for storage

Unexpected Storage Places to Make Your Home Less Cluttered

"It's been a mess," says Jane Searcy, owner of a thesis writing service in New York. "I have accumulated so many things that I started storing them on the floor in the corners of my apartment. When the piles started to get too high I decided it was time to rethink the strategy."

Finding room for storage in small apartments can be a challenge. On the one hand, you want to keep buying things - decorations, clothes, books, pieces of furniture, you name it. On the other hand, it all looks cluttered and your home is no longer as cozy as it used to be.

The secret, says Jane, is in finding unexpected places to store things. Things that can be put away for a few months, like winter clothes, for example. Once you find them, you will be able to use such additional storage for different items all year round.

Inside the chairs

You have definitely seen the big soft boxes that people can sit on but that also have storage room inside. Why not have chairs like this? Admittedly, they will be heavy if you fill them with books. But if you want to be able to move them around, use such storage for something light - like extra pillows or scarfs.

Inside the sofa

Check if the design of your sofa allows making a few extra shelves on the sides - or buy one of this particular design. Shelves placed under arms can store your books and it just looks lovely. The same goes for the insides - it is a perfect place for bedding or other things, depending on your needs.

In a cabinet that's attached to the ceiling

It's a particularly convenient design that allows you to significantly increase the storage capacity of your home. In fact, some of the old apartments have this kind of cabinet by default. The bottom surface of the cabinet serves as the ceiling so your visitors might not even guess there is storage room above their heads.

Under the windowsills

While turning your windowsills into tops of additional cabinets might not add a lot of storage room, it does serve as a stylish decoration and hides the things that you would store openly otherwise.

On top of kitchen cabinets

No, it's not about putting your dishes there and letting them collect dust. It's about buying nice baskets that will be placed on top of the cabinets and will hold your dishes, pans or whatever it is that you can't find room for in your kitchen.

In baskets, generally

Baskets have this innate ability to look cool and stylish, so if you take everything that's just standing around and put it in a basket, you won't just save place - you will add style to your interiors. Be careful, however, when choosing the baskets - some of them will add significantly to your cleaning efforts.

In conclusion, look around your apartment. There is some room left, isn't there? The craziest ideas happen in home design, so why not implement a few of them in your house?