Most people who decide to pursue a career in the real estate business usually end up changing their minds within just a few years. A huge percentage of those who do decide to stay do not end up successful.

There is a series of skills and techniques that every real estate should master, especially those who want to make headway in their life goal to become a top listing agent.

1. Look; do not listen.

Look at what successful listing agents are doing and check out what results they get from doing it. Chances are, those who are truthfully successfully in their field know how to teach it in such a simple manner that their student can immediately apply what has been learned and garner positive results from it, says The American Genius.

It does not really matter what they say they do to reel in better sales. The truth is that many of today's real estate agents tend to talk so much gibberish to make their deal sound better. Aspiring top agents must not be derailed from their thoughts and must merely focus on applying the good points that have been done by known top agents.

2. Discipline.

Many agents have accepted the concept of discipline with a negative mindset, when in fact it is actually a positive skill that has been mastered by some of the greatest listing agents in the industry.

Realty Times says that in order for success to be reachable for listing agents, they need to be more disciplined when it comes to their prospecting, lead follow-ups, sales skills, and sales processes. It is only common that agents feel a bit lazy on some days and do not feel like doing what they need to do to generate the listings that they want. Discipline will most definitely curb this laziness.

3. Know your market and customers.

Thoroughly understanding the market is a given must-do for all real estate agents. Simply knowing which areas are safe and which ones are heavily associated with crime can help them successfully match a client with a property that he or she can potentially purchase.

Although it is good to have a wide variety of clients, Chron says that it is much better if agents focus on the type of people their customers are. For instance, agents who want to sell properties under the $100,000 to $250,000 bracket will have to focus their real estate mojo on middle-class working families. Knowing these details before meeting up with the client is important.