When the trailer of the “Fantastic Four” reboot came out earlier this year, it did not get as much enthusiasm from its fans as expected. Screen Rant says that he movie rendition released back in the early 2000s may turn out to be even more exciting since this new one is reportedly going to feature more grounded and realistic material.

Even Miles Teller, who will be playing the role of Reed Richards, otherwise known as Mr. Fantastic, was shocked after he saw the trailer. He claimed that he always made it a point to keep Josh Trank’s vision in mind while filming the reboot. However, he admittedly could not fully imagine the entire concept until he saw the trailer.

“The trailer took me by surprise,” Teller admitted to MTV, as reported by iDigitalTimes. “When you’re shooting a movie, especially this movie with Josh Trank, he has a very specific tone – whether it is Chronicle or what he did with this – but, as an actor, you don’t really know what kind of movie it is until you see them cut together.”

“That is the first way we saw any footage,” he added. “I was excited and I know that, for the most part, the consensus is good.”

Additionally, it  appears that Fox is taking the “Fantastic Four” reboot costumes to the next level. Teaser photos were recently released on Empire, and they seemed to have a distinct military feel. The previous ones were bright blue onesies that had “spandex” written all over them, in addition to the huge numbers plastered right across their centers.

Fans looking for the traditional superhero look will most likely be disappointed when they see the leaked images. The new suits are not just “suits,” as they appear to be combat gear: an all black ensemble with armor and vests.

However, Tech Times would like to point out that the film is still in its production stages. This could only mean that if ever there will be any CGI, or computer-generated imagery, they will not be seen in the photos.

Plus, fans have nothing to worry about with Fox’s decision to redesign the look. X-Men fans loved the way the studio changed Wolverine's look from his classic blue-and-yellow shades to an all-black suit made of leather.

“I talked to Marvel creator Stan Lee about this and I, kind of, gave him not so much a pitch, but told him why I wanted to do the ‘Fantastic Four,’” Trank told Yahoo! Movies. “He just genuinely loved the idea that somebody would be taking the story seriously like that and putting them into a modern space.”

It would appear that Trank and writer/producer Simon Kinberg decided to downplay the “silliness” usually portrayed by the superheroes to give the movie a comic angle.

The “Fantastic Four” reboot will be out on August 7, 2015.