Fans of the science fiction film "Transformers" are already in great anticipation of the fifth installment of the popular franchise. Word is out that the Autobots' leader, Optimus Prime, might be getting an upgrade to handle a bigger mission in the upcoming movie.

While the Internet has been abuzz since the confirmation of an upcoming fifth movie, little has been revealed or leaked about the possible turn of events in "Transformers 5."

According to Master Herald, many speculations on the film's next story have been circulating with the end of the "Transformers 4: Age of Extinction" paving the way for numerous possibilities.

One of the possible plots to be explored for the fifth "Transformers" movie is Optimus Prime's mission to search the outer space to find his creators.

Another theory is the possibility of focusing more on the Galvatrons and Dinobots, considering the part they played in the last "Transformers" movie. It would also take away the focus from Optimus Prime as he embarks on his journey.

The third theory was taken as a hint from a new line of Transformers toy released by Hasbro.

According to Air Herald, the toy company released a new figurine of Optimus Prime riding on the back of Grimlock, the head Dinobot. This part was seen in the last movie when the Dinobots came to the aid of the overpowered Autobots against the Decepticons.

The interesting part of the new toy is that Optimus Prime donned a different costume, the "Silver Knight." This was not how he was pictured riding Grimlock in "Transformers 4: Age of Extinction."

This led fans to speculate that the upcoming movie might be set in the future with Optimus Prime as the Silver Knight.

Meanwhile, Mark Walhberg confirmed his return to reprise his role in the fifth film.

According to Youth Health Mag, Wahlberg told MTV that he has "committed to doing a couple more" movies with the franchise.

No other members confirmed to return, while rumors claim that Megan Fox would now return alongside Wahlberg as Michael Bay steps down from the directorial seat, said Crossmap.

The 28-year-old actress expressed her desire to return to the franchise that made her famous. She was not included in the third movie after her fall out with Director Michael Bay.

Bay, meanwhile, would not be returning to direct the film. Instead, he would be taking a less hands-on role as a producer of the fifth movie.