Christian Post reported that "The Incredibles" was praised as one of Pixar's most loved animated movies. The first film was so successful that Disney CEO Robert Iger decided to push through with the studio's plans for a second installment.

A previous Realty Today report has indicated that, contrary to what many might expect because of how "The Incredibles" ended, The Underminer will not be the villain in the upcoming sequel. According to Movie Pilot, he did not seem to want anything and only sought everyone's attention.

The other potential villains for "The Incredibles 2" were all after a certain goal such as money or revenge. However, it would appear that The Underminer would most likely be content by merely ending up in jail. He will probably break out of prison every once in a while, but it looks like he has no interest in staying above ground for so long.

Syndrome could be a possible villain since he wanted to take his revenge on everyone. However, the events of the first movie lead to speculations on his death due to a wardrobe malfunction. His cape was caught in a jet engine that caused his plane to explode. Even Mr. Incredible could not survive an explosion like that.

Rumor has it that Gazerbeam might be the new villain in the much awaited animated franchise. The next villain might focus on Simon J. Paladino's death. Paladino was an advocate of superhero rights. A newspaper clipping said that his advocacy "led some to believe that he had actually been a superhero" himself.

The family that he left in his wake, who most likely have superhero powers as well, will be understandably angered by his death and the fact that he was disgraced. One of them, maybe his son, cousin, or brother, could turn out to be Gazerbeam. 

"Pixar does not look at sequels as a financial plan," said Director Brad Bird, according to Slash Film. "We feel we have a relationship with the audience and that they believe in each movie we put out."

Although it may sound like "The Incredibles 2" project was nearly thrown into the bin, the truth is that Bird only wanted to make sure that the sequel had "a story that is as good or better than that first film."

News Everyday says Bird might have already found the story he wants to work with since the movie is reportedly going to hit theaters in 3D early next year.