Tag: tips

'House Selling Tips: How to Get More Offers in a Buyer’s Market

Today’s market and conditions point towards a seller’s market. However, it is not always a rosy time for sellers and sometimes, the cards are turned and the favors are at the buyers’ side. How can you get more offers even though there are more sellers than buyers in the real estate market?

'3 Cheap and Easy Ways to Give Your Rental Kitchen a Makeover

Renting a house has its limitations and more often than not, you always need to seek for your landlord’s permission before doing anything. While this means that you have little to no control over the design and overall look of your rental home, you can still personalize your home without ruining your chances of getting your security deposit back.

'Should You Co-Sign a Family Member, Relative or Friend’s Mortgage?

Good credit is one of the requirements in applying for a mortgage. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to attain the credit rating standards set by lenders, especially those who are just starting to work. Co-signing a mortgage is one of the options being offered to buyers who are unable to apply for a mortgage because of bad credit. Should you consider being a co-signer for a family member, relative or friend?
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