Tag: real estate tips

'5 Perks To Attract New Tenants To Your Property

Success in a real estate rental business means having tenants on your property throughout the year. However, the reality is that tenants move on: they buy a new house, move to another state, need a bigger place, and the list could go on.

'How To Prepare For The Rise In Mortgage Rates

As of now, the mortgage rates are still consumer friendly. The rates have been in its all time low so buyers are finding it quite easy to achieve their dream homes. But knowing how the economy works, or at least how everything works, what went down can also rise back up. The economy is expected to rebound again in 2016 and expensive mortgages ca arise once again.

'How To Win A Bid: Real Estate Bidding Wars Strategies

Real estate bidding wars can be ugly, but if you're using the right strategies, you can come out as the winner without having to multiply your offer. You don't have to beg or fight, you just got to strategise. Bidding can never be ideal, but you have to do all that you can to make sure you win.
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