Have you been meaning to begin with a home project but couldn't find a spark of inspiration to begin? The initial stage is always the hardest, but as soon as you start, you will find that's when your inner designer comes out. So you better get the ball rolling already!

Here are 5 easy and smart "get started tips" by Apartment Therapy for you to finally jump start that long-delayed home project:

Focus on one room or project at a time.

The best way to combat the overwhelming number of things in your to-do list is by focusing first on smaller tasks and see results quickly - by seeing your accomplishment, you get motivated to continue on with bigger tasks. Also, avoid jumping from one task to another. So try your best to resist organizing your spice rack when you are supposed to be concentrating on your bedroom.

Discover what you have.

Cleaning and taking out the stashed stuff you have accumulated over the years is pretty exciting. You would never know what you will find! You thought you lost your iPod when it's been in one of the drawers all along. By knowing what you have, you would know what else you need. Sort out the things you can give away and can keep. It would also be great if you could get rid of dust bunnies, the dirt on top the base molding, and blemishes on the wall as you go along.

Think function first.

While you have been dreaming of that vintage-style mirror dresser at the local shop, you might consider that its drawers are super shallow to accommodate all your clothes. Especially if you have an awkward space, a useless piece of furniture is the last thing you need. When picking furniture, always keep this mantra in mind: beauty and function, not beauty over function.

Shop prepared.

Before going shopping for furniture, make sure that you have the measurements of your walls, windows, and drawers. You wouldn't want to end up buying a table that is too big or too small for your space. Save time and effort by having these dimensions ready.

Evaluate each addition along the way.

Always take a step back every after you finish one task or project. This allows you take in elements you used in your space and to figure out what your next step should be. You will only set yourself back by making hasty decisions that compromise aesthetic or function. Only go for greatness! If you do not completely love it, then maybe it shouldn't be an addition to your home.