Tag: Home Buying

'Home Loan Tips: The Lies That Can Ruin Your Chances Of Getting A Mortgage

People's desire to achieve an approved home loan sometimes lead them to dropping some white lies to help them get through the process. It's understandable, but it's wrong, and totally not recommended. If you want the best results, you better tell nothing but the truth about your financial background. Besides, there is always a solution for everyone regardless of your actual financial stability. Sometimes you just gotta get informed, and usually, the worst that can happen is you have to wait a few more time to finally get the loan that you ought to have.

'Home Buying Tips: Ways on How You Can Find that Perfect Modern Home

One of most popular design for homes now is modern design. How can a home builder own this kind of property? Know the tips on how you can find that dream home.

'Real Estate Tips: What Is An Option Period?

In a real estate transaction, buyers are given a specific amount of time between the creation of the contract and the finalization of the transaction. This time is typically used by buyers to inspect the property and decide whether to move forward with the sale or not. The idea behind the so called Option Period is to give the buyer a chance to assess whether he/she wants to buy the property, without actually losing the property to another competing buyer. Some desperate buyers even offer a shorter option period simply to be prioritized by sellers.
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