Tag: City living

'City Vs. Suburbs: Which is a Better Place for Renters?

There has been a longstanding debate on life in the city versus the suburbs and which one was the better option. While there is no “one-size-fits-all” when it comes to these things, let us take a look into the pros and cons of living in the city and in the suburbs and which one seems like a better option for renters.

'The City or Suburbs - Which One is a Better Long-Term Investment?

In the early '90s, every American had a dream of owning a home with white fences and lush greeneries in the suburbs. However, times have changed and more people are moving towards living in the city. Taking the financial aspect into consideration, which is a better investment option?

''Transformer' Houses Aim to Solve Constrained Living Space Difficulties

Many innovative companies are coming up with solutions to address one of urban living's difficulties, constrained living spaces.
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