Finance & Mortgage

Is This the Right Time to Bet on Real Estate?

The economy is fluctuating, so is the real estate. This brings many to think and ask the above question for fear that their investment will only get wasted because the economy and real estate would sag without prior notice.

Yet, despite this reality, many may still want to gamble in hopes of getting financially stable in the future. So, when is really the right time to bet on real estate? Many would say "now" is the time to invest.

Here are the reasons why the right time to bet on real estate is not anytime but now:

Investing in real estate is long-term

Despite the crisis that the whole world is now experiencing, real estate is still a good investment and it can give long-term benefits. One big benefit of real estate is that of owning a house and have it rented. Such real estate investment then will be profitable for you.

Many prefer buying a house than staying in apartments

People prefer houses than apartments and this is a good opportunity for you to invest, according to Money Crashers. Many homeowners will make better tenants because these tenants would think that they'll be staying in a place that is close to home rather than mere apartments.

You will have plenty of retired buyers should you resale your real estate property

Real estate can attract those who are about to retire. They can see your property their potential income-generating business by having it rented. Entrepreneur confirms that Americans are terrible savers and there's no way they wouldn't want to earn after retiring. So, if you have invested in real estate before you meet these retirees, you have greater chances to be someone offering them your property in the future. According to Atty. Mark J. Kohler, a Certified Public Accountant and an author, relates that most of the successful entrepreneurs he met has earned their profits from their real estate investments through rentals.

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