
Super Bowl Party Ideas: 7 Must-Haves for the Last-Minute Host

It's that time of the year again that nachos are one of the most hit items in the grocery store. And yes- it is the party that all Americans are gearing up for. What else but the Super Bowl and every year people are busy exploring different how-to preparations for the game of different league teams. Curbed also shares their own take in the festive NFL party with their exciting ideas.

1. Serving dishes for all that seven-layer dip:

If you're always running out of dip in your Super Bowl party, try this serving dish that will undoubtedly leave your guests have a helpful. This serving dish can contain a huge amount of seven-layer dips and its "low-walled" so your guests won't have a hard time catching those those yummy fill.

2. Sturdy disposable cups that are also cool looking:

You'll definitely need disposable cups that are sturdy enough to last the whole game. Instantly, ready these cups together with the drinks and buy the ones with variety of colors so that your guests won't have a hard time figuring out which one is their drink.

3. Coasters for all those metallic paper cups to go on:

Coasters are also a plus so that the glasses or the cups won't leave any marks on your center table. Choose rad coasters for this, this item will also make the party colorful.

4. Design-y disposable cutlery, plates, and bowls for shoveling it all:

It's the Super Bowl and it's the time to enjoy being overwhelmed and fan crazy. Create a very lively, interactive atmosphere by bringing out your most fun and colorful cutlery, plates, and bowls.  

5. For souping up the audio on your tiny apartment's entertainment system:

You need this one big item in your checklist, the total entertainment system for the plausible sounds when you and your friends are watching the game. Try Jawbone's Big Jambox for this if you don't have any means available.

6. Garland, because why not:

Don't think so much about this but let's face it, it could be the ornament that could add a strong Super Bowl spirit. Try adding this and your guests won't definitely mind this garland for your home.

7. Extra seating for all those guests:

Don't forget this! This is the total must-have in your party. It's no fun to watch the games and eating that buffalo wings standing up. Ready those comfy seats for your guests and family.

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