
Silver Bay Realty Shares Bought by Acadian Asset Management

Acadian Asset Management bought Silver Bay Realty shares in the last quarter of 2015, its SEC Form 13F report revealed. The investor was able to acquire 93,955 shares, which was actually valued at $1,471,000. The asset management company owned Silver Bay's 0.26 percent.

Quantitative Systematic Strategies, on the other hand, got a Silver Bay Trust Realty Corp position during the last quarter of 2015, amounting to $303,000. Silver Bay Trust Realty Corp on Friday started at 14.24. Currently, its market cap is set at $513.62 billion.

Silver Bay had a 12-month low at $13.40 and a high at $16.91. Its moving average in a 50-day span was $15.26, while in a 200-day span, it was $15.94. The trust company also made public its earnings in November 2015. According to its report, it has $0.17 EPS for the said quarter, missing the estimate from Zack Consensus, which was said to be at $0.18 x $0.01.

In a similar period in 2014, the company was able to earn $0.08 EPS, making them earn a quarter revenue of $30.62 million. The actual earnings figure was higher than what the analysts have previously expected to be at $31.01 million. Its quarterly revenue was boosted up to 53.3 percent on an annual basis.

Equity analysts have expected Silver Bay to post $0.66 EPS for 2016.

Silver Bay Realty also announced recently its quarterly dividend. In Dec. 28, the dividend was at $0.13 per share. The figure is a representation of an increase from the previous record of $0.12.

The company has regularly been made a subject of analyst reports. Silver Bay Realty was cut from its neutral rating by the Bank of America, giving them an underperformance rating instead, setting the price target at $17.00.

Silver Bay is specializing in leasing, renovating, and acquiring single-family properties.

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