
Home Organization Tips: 5 Ways to Organize a Closet

Chaos is one of the things that we can see when we look at our closets. Cluttered hangers, unfolded clothes, and layers of shoes. What to do? Sunset gives out five tips on how you can start tidying up your closet.

1. Start at empty

This may terrify you if you are starting to tidy up your closet, "Getting all your stuff out!" But as noted in the article, this will give you the idea what stuff are you still using and what not, what you can dispose and keep. Start this task when you have ample time so that you'll be able to finish tidying up your closet.

"Piece by piece, take everything out of your closet (clothes, shoes, everything), separating into two piles: things you wear (to return to the closet), and things you do not wear (to donate)," as advised by the article.

2. Unify hangers

If you may, try to combine hangers of the same color and if you can shed some budget, try to ditch those plastic and metal hangers in exchange for a wooden ones.

Wooden hangers are great because they are "non-slip." Apart from this, it will also make your closet looking crisp and classy.

"Pro tip: Do not store clothing in dry cleaning plastic. Remove and dispose of (or recycle) the plastic wrap as soon as possible and let your dry-cleaned clothes air outside before placing them in your closet, if possible," added the article.

3. Colorize

This is easy! Take time to organize clothing by its colors. Create a section for your light colored, dark colored clothes, formal wear, and sportswear. This system will not only create a cohesive and defined look, it will also make choosing a wardrobe easier.

4. Wrangle those shoes

Are you finding it hard to locate a shoe partner or you just couldn't find the shoes you want to wear in your closet?

This is the best time to do this organizing tip, "take a photo (easy: cell phone and a color printer) of each pair and attach images to the respective boxes. Or, buy some clear shoe storage boxes."

5. Consider a Closet System

Try a closet system, especially if you have so many stuff that you need to sort out. "Create a built-in shelving" as the outlet shared. This will totally "max" out your space and you can now easily identify where to locate your stuff.

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