
Interior Design Tricks: Effective Ways to Create the Illusion of Room Height

Many famous landmarks around the world like the Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty, Pyramids of Giza have one thing in common and that is their staggering height. Have you notice that the highest building, tower, or statue in your area also receives a promising attention in your neighborhood?

This spectacle towards height is even evident in homes and people even perceive high-ceilinged homes as magnificent or splendid. This in a way is what homeowners are trying to work on, especially for people owning a studio-type home or a small scale apartment.

Houzz lists some helpful tips to create the illusion of room height.

1. Bookshelves.

Bookshelves can do the trick but not just any structured shelf, the article advises to use skinny, high bookshelves for your home.

"By using tall, skinny bookshelves that go to the ceiling, you draw the eye upward and create the illusion of height."

2. Kitchen cabinets.

Kitchen cabinets that are built high up against the ceiling helps to make a high ceiling trick.

"The best way to make your kitchen ceiling appear higher is by bringing your cabinets all the way up to the ceiling. It doesn't matter if you can't access the top shelves on a regular basis; the aesthetic effect is well worth the investment."

3. Doors and passageways.

A small home doesn't necessarily mean that it is built with tiny doors. Doors can also bring the illusion that your house has tall ceilings.

"One of the most effective ways to make your space feel more open and taller is by using full-height doors and taller passageways. Having lower passageways can really make your space feel oppressive."

4. Curtains.

One of the easiest that homeowners can do to make a high-ceiling illusion is through curtains.

"Hang your curtains directly from your ceiling to help to create the illusion of height. And by going with a ripple-fold detail on your curtains, you can emphasize that height even more with the consistent vertical detail."

5. Fireplace.

Fireplaces don't only serve as prime heaters in the cold season, this area of the house could also help conceive height.

"By bringing the finish on the face of the fireplace all the way up to the ceiling, you create the illusion of something grand."

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