
Projects To Enhance Curb Appeal In Winter Season

We're soon saying goodbye to green lawns and long sunshine, and this means less time outdoors to rake up leaves and wash windows. If your house is on the market, then you can't afford neglecting your curb appeal.

Take the necessary steps to keep your home looking warm and inviting before the cold weather peaks. Here are projects to enhance curb appeal in winter season according to Trulia:

Plant flowers that bloom in the winter

Keep a touch of freshness and nature vibe even during the colder seasons by planting flowers that can sustain even getting covered by snow. You can choose from crocuses, perennials, shrubs, and trees to plant during fall when the soil's most ideal for root development. When the winter days roll in, you will have blossoming bulbs that can last even before the weather gets warm.

Install landscape lighting

A few strategically placed and appropriately tinted lightings go a long way when it comes to improving your curb appeal especially during the gloomy winter days. Use lanterns for your porch light and illuminate your pathway using solar lights and lighten up trees with statuary. Aside from making your house standout, it also serves as a safety precaution from slipping on snow when you can't clearly see where you are going.

Lawn and garden maintenance

This winter, give your lawn the same amount of love during the friendlier seasons. Protect your grass and other plants from extreme temperatures using 2 to 3 inches of mulch as recommended by NALP. The layer of mulch also helps improve the aesthetic appearance of your otherwise barren landscape.

As with the brown, unsightly-looking grass that you can't do anything about when it's the cold season, the key is to maintaining a tidy landscape by controlling the accumulation of leaves brought about by winter storm. It's about showing that your landscaping is not given a cold shoulder during the cold winter season.

Small upgrades and holiday décor

Small details, like a new mailbox, door knob, house number sign, can have an outstanding collective impact especially when your house is being viewed from a distance. It's about time you get on that long overdue DIY weekend activity to create embellishments that would last during the winter season. Go for a tasteful, minimalist look; lights and greenery to candles in the window. Achieve a big aesthetic reward with small, detailed, high-impact design touches. 

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