
7 Creepy Phenomenon in your Home Now Answered

While you may be terrified of whoever opened the water faucet, don't be mistaken, your house might be in need of repair. Try to check it first and find a solution to these oddities. You might even be unaware that a replacement may already be needed at your home.

Real Simple shares some tips from experts to find out the culprit with these creepy happenings in your home.

1. The Stairs are Producing Creaky Sounds.

This simply means that you need to ponder some time on your stairs especially when in an old or ancestral house. Creaking is sometimes caused by the loosened thread. This may be due also to the "wear and tear" of the stairs.

Once checked, the advice given by Lesh was "If you can access the underside of the stairs, you can glue shims between the treads and the stringers in the creaky spots."

2. The Microwave Suddenly Turns On.

This may freak anybody out but this could really happen due to the "steam or heat produced on the microwave's cooktop below" said Chris Zeiler of Repair Clinic.com. While another is that it is in a bad need of repair, "The cooling fan inside the microwave is starting up because a switch inside the door has been damaged."

3. One of Our Doors Won't Stay Open.

Before scaring yourself by a lot thoughts, doors closing can be caused also by wear and tear. You may need to consider tightening some screws so the doors would not surprise you next time.

Lou Manfredini advised "The bubble in the vial of the level will tell you which way the door has to move so it hangs correctly."

4. An Orange Mark is Left Off in The Tub After Cleaning it.

The orange marking on the bathtub is just a chemical reaction that was made by bleach. Brian Sansoni said "If you scrubbed the tub with bleach, the chemical has reacted with the cast iron under the porcelain veneer, leaving an orange tint."

A way to treat this is by using a non-chlorine cleaner on your tub as suggested, try using "Clorox 2" or "hydrogen peroxide" for this.

5. Rattling Windows

Rattling windows is another case of wear and tear and this usually is due to "loose window sashes."

A way to solve the rattling sounds is to "Check the condition of the weather stripping and trim that holds the sashes in place, and replace any that's damaged or missing," said Manfredini.

6. Loud Sounds Coming from the Walls.

As Lesh calls it, the "loud" sounds that comes from the inside of the walls is called "water hammer." And this sounds are due to "too much air in the water system, which can be caused by a number of things, from a problem in the well pump or a leak in a pipe to a malfunction of the water-treatment system."

To stop the loud sounds in the walls, Lesh advised to "Turn off the main water valve, where the water comes into the house," and also "to turn on all the faucets and flush the toilets until there's no water running out of them or into them. Then turn off the faucets and turn the water main back on."  

7. Water Turning on Even if Nobody is Turning it On

This may be caused by random factors but one of the most common is that there is a "leak" on your toilet valve. According to Chuck White, "Water is running into the overflow tube-a small vertical pipe that controls the passage of water from tank to bowl-so you hear it running and then refilling."

What you need to do is "adjust the fill valve" in the toilet. Or if this will not work out, try replacing the "flapper valve" of your toilet.

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