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Home Design Tips: How to Play Around With Paint on Your Stairways

Looking for unconventional ways to add color and character to your home? You might be surprised at how playful you can get with your stairways. Just like a bare wall, see your stairway as multiple blank canvases that are just waiting to be given life!

If you're going for something subtle yet undeniable pretty, go for ombre stairs! It's very easy to do, and it really does add a chic touch to your home. You can also use your favorite color by doing this. To achieve the perfect ombre, you don't have to buy several cans of paint. Check out this project for an ombre drawer that indicates the color mixing formula. In the project, the main color and white were the only colors mixed, and it was all a matter of getting the proportions right.

Stairs are also good areas for paint patterns. Go for easy geometric shapes that are easy to duplicate for each step. For an even simpler design, paint two to three vertical lines right smack in the middle of the steps. It can also give the illusion that your stairway stretches out longer than it actually does. Triangles and stripes would look fabulous on your stairs especially when it is in an eye-catching color.

If you're a book lover, adorn your stairs with your favorite book titles. You can even make this a project among your friends. If you like this idea, another option would be painting inspirational quotes on each step so that you can brighten up your day by just ascending up the stairs. An even simpler way to do this is to paint a word of your favorite quote on each step.

See more exciting painting ideas for your stairways here

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