
Real Estate: 4 Ways To Conquer Buyer's Remorse

Your agent just handed you the key to your new home and you must be feeling so good! But, wait, what if you actually feel bad? The anxiety of having to create a new budget, navigating property taxes, plus the horror of maintenance work is starting to creep in and you're panicked. You, my friend, are experiencing buyer's remorse.

Don't ruin the sweet feeling of finally having your own home by drowning yourself in unnecessary doom. Here are 4 ways that you can conquer buyer's remorse according to Trulia:

Control what you can control

Philosophers believe that in order to live a more content life, one should only attempt to control things they have the power to control. So instead of feeling fear, you should give this new home a shot.

You bought the house, you paid your closing costs, and it's too late to turn the train around. This is the reality now, so control what you can control and make the best of it.

Go through all the reasons why you decided to buy a house in the first place. It definitely wasn't a split-second decision; you have given time, money, and effort to reach this point. Focus on accepting and enjoying your new space and you will be surprised to how quickly those anxious feelings would go away.

Make a list and do one thing

When you have fully grasped the idea of your new house, then there shouldn't be any more room for panic. You may have all sorts of worries: you may lose your job and miss your mortgage payments, or you are thinking about the many improvements that you still need to make to your house.

You will find it easier to find solution to your worries if you deal with them one at a time. Focus on one until it's resolved and move on to the next. As you cross one thing off your list, you are slowly making your new house better. Now, you're getting somewhere.

Throw a party

Buying a house deserves a party! Have your family, friends, and loved ones over for a celebration. The enthusiasm will be palpable and everyone will be genuinely excited for you and your new home purchase and that excitement will rub off on you.

Find your favorite place

Find one spot in the house that you love to be in most. Sit there for a while and drink it in. Appreciate the spot - it is your house, you bought it. So whenever you feel like being eaten up by buyer's remorse, come back to this spot and take a deep breath. That feeling will eventually pass and in the end, you'll just wonder why you even worried. 

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