
Game of Thrones “R+L=J+M Twin Sister” Theory: Jon Snow and Meera Reed?

For those who are still hoping for the resurrection of the character of Kit Harington, Jon Snow, in the upcoming season 6 of Game of Thrones, a new theory has surfaced that might either excite or dismay you if indeed true.

For most fans who still fill their Facebook page with Game of Thrones photos, and of Kit's images, this new theory can make or break your faith in your Jon Snow's return. The previous theory which most of the fans anchored their faith on Snow's return states that "Snow is not actually Ned's bastard son at all, but is in fact the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark (hence the R+L thing) and therefore the rightful heir to the Iron Throne." Being the rightful heir to the throne would then suggest the importance of Jon Snow's character to the succeeding GOT events.  And such importance seems to have been noticed by Melisandre as she seems to think that Snow is the White Walker Conqueror -Azor Ahai.

However, with the new theory surfacing, hopes of Snow's return may be obscured by the supposed important role of Meera Reed. Yup, the theory seems to suggest that Reed is the sister of Jon Snow, thus making the theory more likely of an R+L=J+M.

In a discussion on Reddit -ghostchief via mashable "it was predicted that the opening scene of Series 6 would feature a flashback to Ned Stark finding a dying Lyanna in the Tower of Joy. Now, in the original R+L=J theory, theorists have said they believe that this moment - where a dying Lyanna says, "Promise me, Ned" - actually takes place shortly after she's given birth, and what she's really asking Ned to promise her is that he'll take care of her baby (a.k.a. an infant Jon Snow) who is the rightful heir to the throne. The R+L=J+M theory takes this one step further, though; in the predicted opening scene described by ghostchief, a sobbing Ned Stark is distracted from his sister's death by the cries of a baby girl - a baby girl who is Jon Snow's twin sister."

And if indeed true, then it would suggest that Meera Reed has a much bigger role to play in the series. Thus eclipsing the character of Jon Snow, which would mean the possibilities of Jon Snow being part of the season 6 would be lesser. 

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