
Attention-Grabbing Sale Signs Do the Trick

With a slight retro touch, this three bedroom bungalow in Beaverton, Oregon, is for sale.

But what makes this house unique is the "For Sale" sign. It reads: "Husband left us for a 22-year-old. House for sale by scorned, slightly bitter, newly single owner. Adulterers need not apply."

Ellie Zober, the owner, put the house on sale when she found her husband was cheating on her.

“We had almost no debt outside of our cars and we bought a house.... but, as with many marriages, our story ends in divorce. I'm not sure how this all happened... but, all I can is that as soon as your husband/wife starts using new texts languages like :/, or starts talking to you like a college kid.... check your phone bill - you're probably going to be in for a surprise. For me that surprise came in the form of a 22 year old college student who likes yoga... and, other people's husbands,” she writes in

This “quirky marketing For Sale By Owner plan” materialized when she was trying to avoid foreclosure and it’s all for exposure. “We thought it was a funny way to get exposure,” she told ABC News Radio. “We anticipated people driving by the sign and posting it and thinking it was funny. We did not anticipate the level of personal interest that’s happened.”

Zober has reportedly received calls from Sweden, Scotland and Ireland with offers to buy the house. Interest has been expressed by a man from Japan too, she told ABC News Radio.

Meanwhile, another seller who chose radical tactics is a New Jersey resident who called out his neighbor in his "For Sale" sign. It read: "House For Sale By Owner Because My Neighbor's An Asshole."

“Buyers learn about homes from three main sources: real estate agents, an Internet search and yard signs. While perhaps unintentional, the sign, which is now a viral Internet phenomenon, combines both the physical sign aspect with web search-ability. Genius,” the Huffington Post quoted CBS.

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