
How to Survive the Travel on the Middle Seat

Getting the middle seat, especially on long and tiring trips, has never been fun. But sometimes, the situation is unavoidable especially when you are booked on a last- minute flight. Travel experts then suggest the following for you to be able to deal with the experience.

1.       Be organized. Pack and put your stuff methodically and in easily accessible pockets so you don't have to go beyond your limited elbowroom in digging out the things you need once you are seated. Likewise, limit your carry-on by distributing the rest of your belongings in your checked bags for you to have more legroom.

2.       Board early. This will give you more time to get your things such as bags, coat, and yourself settled, and will also save you the effort of asking your seatmate to get up one more time.

3.       Look around. Once boarding is finished and the doors are closed, check if there are open seats and ask a flight crew nicely if you will be allowed to switch.

4.       Claim the armrests. Airline etiquette suggests that you are entitled to both armrests. If there's a need for a compromise, you can meet you seatmates halfway by offering the front or rear portion of the armrests.

5.       Relax. Take a deep breath and try to be as pleasant as possible. This way, you will make your trip more enjoyable.

6.       Be friendly. Say hello, crack jokes, share stories, do anything that will break the ice.

7.       Bring sleep and comfort aids. Use a neck pillow, a noise-cancelling headphone, and an eye mask so you won't be disturbed by whatever your seatmates are doing.

8.       Get busy. Bring a good reading material or try to get lost in a good book, instead of thinking of all the discomforts.

9.       Pay the bathroom a visit before the flight. This will save you at least one climb over your aisle-seat neighbor.

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