
Tips on How to Make a Small Kitchen Stylish & Functional

Having a big spacious kitchen can be quite a relief, most especially if you love to cook or have a cup of coffee. A wide dining table and counter can be comforting, however some of us aren't that blessed with a spacious kitchen. In order for us to help those individuals that are trying to revamp their small crammed kitchen; we've listed a couple of tips [and photos] from on Realestate.com and Apartment Therapy to help you in remodeling your small kitchen.

Get Organized and Stay Clutter Free

It is very important to stay organized most especially if the space isn't big enough. Do make sure that everything is in place all the time. A small clutter on a crammed kitchen can make the whole area look chaotic and messy. Keeping everything in place can make you more efficient in using less space.

Aim High

Eye level shelving and cabinets can be a big space saver as it gives the home owner spacious floor area. It tricks the eye into believing that the floor area is wide. It minimizes counter space, and it gives you the convenience of easily locating your kitchen objects most especially with open counters. Do make sure that you'd install the shelves and cupboards within arm's reach. Having high shelves can be hard to clean and it can be over bearing in small kitchens.

Consider Color and Lighting

Color and lighting both play an important role in any room as it alters the mood of an individual. Small kitchens would look bigger with contrasting colors, blue and yellow hues always appear more spacious and lively. Having wide windows on the kitchen can be a huge help too, letting ample amount of natural light gives life into a crammed space.

Stick with Mostly Arm Less Furniture

If you have a kitchen big enough to cater tables or counters, do use stools that you can push under after use. Using arm less furniture can save a lot of floor area and storage space, making your kitchen look less congested.

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