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'F1 2015' Release Date & Gameplay: 'Project Cars' Rival Coming Out for PS4 & Xbox One Users? PS3, Xbox 360 Gamers Snubbed?

Sad news awaits the players of Codemasters' "F1" racing game who use last generation game consoles. It has been rumored that the highly anticipated video game would no longer be developed for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

Fans have been in eagerly waiting for the title ever since it was reported that the game would come out earlier than expected. However, the change in release date is said to have affected the development of the game, noted Venture Capital Post. As such, not all content prepared for the title would see it arrive at the same time as its release.

While that might pose great disappointment to the gamers, another report claimed that some fans might be unable to play the upcoming game. Word is out that Codemasters decided to develop the game that would rival Slightly Mad Studios' "Project CARS" only for current generation consoles.

A spokesperson from the company confirmed the news in an interview with The person admitted that the firm does not "have any plans for the previous generation at this point."

Moreover, it seems that the makeup of the new title would work well in a powerful hardware because Codemasters is creating the game with an updated version of their design engine. As such, a huge possibility that PS3 and Xbox One users would have to say goodbye to the new title.

According to Lee Mather, "This is purely next-gen game. The engine was designed for next-gen consoles."

The developers decided to create "F1 2015" with the latest version of the company's EGO game engine. This decision was made to ensure that the new title would come with improved visuals and other enhancements.

Among the expected improvements could be seen in the "engine and transmission, aerodynamics, force feedback, fuel tank, suspension.  and tire physics." It is also said that the upcoming title would feature a "broadcast-style presentation."

The people in Codemasters are also looking to rival "Project CARS" in terms of resolution. The developers are said to be hard at work to ensure that the PlayStation 4 would run at 60 fps and1080p resolution while the Xbox One would be at 60fps and 900p resolution.

While the developers said that developing the game for last generation consoles is not currently part of their plan, it does not necessarily mean that it could not happen in the future.

"F1 2015" is scheduled to arrive in the PS4, Xbox One, and PC in Europe in June 2015.

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