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'Guitar Hero 7' Update & Release Date: Music Video Game for PS4, Xbox One Arriving Soon?

Video game fans secretly aspiring to be band guitarists would soon see their dream turn into a reality. Word is out that Harmonix and Red Octane have revamped their famous music rhythm video game and are coming out with the upgraded "Guitar Hero 7" for current generation consoles soon.

According to Game Rant, the distributor of the famous game, Activision, recently released a short clip of what many speculated as a teaser for "Guitar Hero 7." The clip was only 15 seconds long but it showed a set of real people, presumably band members, preparing before they were called on stage.

The scene opened to someone playing with the pick of a guitar and panned through the different things happening backstage before it cuts through the scene where the back of a man carrying a guitar steps on stage. The clip ends with the caption, "It's About To Get Real" and the date "14.4.15"

While the video did not show any actual gameplay, what was noticeable was the use of a real people to depict the band members. According to Game Rant, the game was revamped to show real people in the gameplay just like the first "Guitar Hero," which eventually nixed them for animated characters.

Another thing noticeable from the trailer is the inclusion of other instruments. While the main focus was the guitar and its pick, the clip closed in on a drum set on stage and it could be an indication that players would soon get their hands on additional sets of instruments for the game.

If that happens, then the upcoming "Guitar Hero 7" could soon be just like its direct rival, "Rock Band," which featured other instruments aside from the guitar.

For gamers who kept their old plastic instruments before the interest in the game waned out, it is reported that they would still be compatible with the current generation consoles PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

It is not yet clear how the new game would be played as there was no clear gameplay hint in the recently released trailer. Activision is set to come up with more details about the game on April 14, 2015, said Venture Beat.

The upcoming "Guitar Hero 7" has been rumored to get a June 2015 release at the E3 event.

Competitor game, "Rock Band," is also rumored to be working on a new game for the franchise.

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