Real Estate Agent

'What To Look For When Selecting Your Property Management Company

You have worked hard to select a market, choose the submarket, find a deal, underwrite it, submit a letter of intent (LOI) and get awarded your next income-producing asset. One of the quickest ways to kill your asset and turn it into a liability is by hiring the wrong property management company.

'Live, Laugh, Lease: Four Essentials For Accidental Landlords

If you recently moved from your home and leased it out, or inherited a rental property, you're in one of the largest demographics of real estate investors: accidental landlords. When it comes to leasing, the learning curve is a harsh one.

'The Increased Importance Of Environmental Sustainability In Real Estate

Staying one step ahead in the uncertain and competitive real estate space can be a challenge. We started out the year with many experts predicting that sustainability would once again be a "trend" for 2019. This is not an "aha" moment for most of us: Green building and sustainability have been enduring trends in the industry for the past couple of decades. Sustainability can no longer be considered a niche. In fact, consumers demand and expect it from most aspects of their lives. Even professional sports leagues, like the NFL, now have formal sustainability initiatives in place. According to a recent survey by Nielsen, 81% of consumers around the globe believe it is extremely or very important for companies to have environmental improvement as an objective. Full Article
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